Proven | Reliable | Experienced | Competitive
Remote Medical Supplies
Pharmaceuticals | Consumables | Medical Equipment | Export Worldwide
Remote Pharma Solutions provide assistance and guidance across a wide range of regulatory, operational and budget needs.
Assistance and guidance to:
ensure site / team operational compliance across a range of sectors/industries
protect the quality, safety and integrity of important (and often vital) clients’ medical supply chains.
meet legal and professional obligations
maintain and manage procurement / resupply costs
We provide:
Medical formulary development and review: reduce costs, streamline processes, highlight possible supply issues and restrictions worldwide.
Medial store compliance guidance against national/international regulatory requirements including all major maritime flag states, CLIA/ACEP, Offshore Regulations (UKOOA, NOGEPA etc), Dive Regulations (DMAC15).
Guidance / assistance with ILO MLC 2006 4.1 regulations.
Pricing reviews of current suppliers. Are you paying too much - you probably are!
Assistance in supplier choice, bid process and contracts. Evaluation of supplier offered services/pricing, including individual quotes and full contract tenders.
Current vendor (s) and local “in country” supplier evaluations and reviews.
Import/Export services and guidance.
Equipment Product choice: based on clients’ needs, user training/skills, quality, ease of use, price, maintenance & consumables availability and costs, suitability for site location etc.
Telemedicine / Remote Advice plus assistance in evaluating 3rd party supplier services and pricing.
Malaria guidance: choice of POC test kits, current prophylaxis, treatments, drug availability and pricing.
Medicine choice assistance: including “in-country” substitution’s and local supply sourcing.
Guidance on Drug & Alcohol Screening and other POC kits, including costs, approved tests/kits etc.
Need advice? Speak to our experienced team
CONTACT US - to see how we can help